Sheikh ‘Adel Ghazzawi

The beauty of character is born

Sheikh ‘Adel was born in Jordan in 1944, north of Amman in a city called Jerash. Known for its beauty and landscapes filled with olives, grapes, figs & citrus fruit. His own family hailed from Gaza. He was stout of build, fairly tall, broad of face, with high cheeks and purposeful eyebrows set over remarkable sapient eyes He wore his beard wide and full. He was a handsome man who dressed well, usually in a white Arab head cloth.

A Reflected Heart

In the words of Imam Junayd "Belief in this way of ours is itself wilaya (saint hood)” that is, because whoever truly believes in it does the works of those who attain wilaya. He was a dhakir whose heart reflected the reality of the divine word “Verily through the remembrance of Allah are hearts made serene” (Quran 13:28)

Larger vessels contain the smaller

In a heartfelt partnership rooted in reverence for the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and the esteemed Sheikh Adel Ghazzawi, Muhammed Adel and Amer Sweis unite to honor their legacy. Together, they weave a tapestry of devotion and creativity, striving to manifest the essence of Islamic artistry in every exquisite piece they bring forth.